A open-timbered roof is lightweight . As a matter of fact it is 5 times lighter compare to concrete, while maintaining same quality and strength class. As a final result, the building will behave very well in case of an earthquake, and it will survive thanks to its flexibility, reducing the amount of damages as well.


Wood is a perfect lagging material, in fact, given the same thickness, wood has a thermal conductivity 10 times higher compare to concrete panels. A Open-timbered roof improves the condition of your house, giving to its host a healthier place to live both in the summer and winter. 


Thanks to cutting innovation processes, a open-timbered roof can be installed in just few days. Thus, building site costs are reduced critically, giving a win to win fact to the contractor and to its clients.


 A open-timbered roof creates a warm and pleasant environment under all point of views. It improves the quality living of its residents in the short, but mostly in the long run. 






Alessandro Lovato S.r.l. builds roofs, penthouses and wooden beam floor since 25 years for contractors and private customers. Our cutting center is made of one Hundegger K2i Robot able to work panels 1250mm large, with a 15 tools set  and a fixed saw cut, offering various types of jobs to our clients. Flexibility and precise organization help us to build different type of  structures, painted and delivered directly to the building site.




Wood roofing, penthouses and wooden beam for contractors and private customers;

Refurbishment and enlargements;


Rendering 3D;

Shipping and laying. 


One representative;     

CNC Machines;

Rendering 3D;

Great choice of colors for your product;

Large selection of processing techniques (rounding, drills, etc);


Laminated Timber GL24h;

Mass Timber C24; 

Beams Use River;



From the field survey, to the production, all the way to the laying process; Alessandro Lovato S.r.l. offers a complete service.